Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Big Easter Weekend of Pottering Around - Easter Saturday

I just had a look at the list I published on Thursday, and I just have to say: OH MY GOD I SUCK SO MUCH. At sticking to weekend lists. Is this why I so rarely get things done? Ugh. I disgust myself. This is the list, with the relevant bits highlighted.
  • I'm going to ride my bicycle down to and along the water front, I shall listen to Edith Piaf while riding in the sun and waving to the happy people.
  • Then I shall have a coffee
  • Then I shall go to the library and get out the entire BBC series of Pride and Prejudice. Hah! Any other suggestions for ridiculous girly long weekend watching?
  • Then I shall come home and bake some chocolate cup cakes. And ice them with lavender coloured icing. I think that rose flavouring would be good too.
  • And then I shall knit something ridiculous and watch episodes of Pride and Prejudice until my eyes pop out of my head.
  • Dinner would be good too. I should make something elaborate. Some kind of roast perchance?
So, I'm looking at the list, and the first item is a big fat Fail; I definitely achieved the second (easy) so *one* achieve; didn't get to the library so no Pride and Prejudice *sad face*; I'm finishing making the cup cakes now and did most of them yesterday, a hesitant achieve; I made a ridiculous hat for myself that I finished at mum's this morning - achieve; and Tom is cooking dinner, so final item is achieve - because you can't fail when somebody else is cooking dinner for you and especially not if it's Tom's Lamb Curry.

Not that bad then! In fact, four achieves to two fails. OH MY GOD I SUCK SO MUCH; Oh My God I RULE So Much! Hah!

ALSO I completed a task from yesterday (food shopping) and went for a two hour skate with my derby girls at Upper Hutt Skating rink. Yay yay yay. Awesomeness. And I was taught new things to do and I terrorised small children and skated fast and made revolting sweat patches on my jeans.

I give myself a Four Out of Six Isn't Bad, and also a Tomorrow is Another Day. Where I shall finish my laundry before training at 3pm, in addition to that other stuff I wrote.

1 comment :

  1. I had "Sleep!" on my Easter To Do list and even failed on that one.

    At least I achieved on "Deliver the Basket and Glasses" [tick!] though I did fail on "Catch up with Sari" [sad face]


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