Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Big Easter Weekend of Pottering Around - Good Friday

So, Good Friday began with Fail, as (of course) all the supermarkets are closed on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. So, food shopping was not achieved.

However, I did ok with getting somIMG_2202e baking in: we had no bread and so my first act was to remedy the situation and make my own - a bit denser than I'd like. While I was making it there was a lot of standing around and gas-bagging with the New Flatmate. And drinking lots of coffee.


IMG_2196I then made soup for lunch. The soup is tomato and pumpkin and chilli, and I've made the picture very very small because all pictures of soup look like pictures of vomit. Unless one is a particularly gifted food photographer with a great camera, which I am not.

Did my laundry and hung it on the line. I suspect that my laundry is actually breeding in the basket, because I did an insane amount of washing and the basket is still near overflowing. Grrr. Ongoing weekend job, it appears.

While I was in the laundry shed I strung up an undies-line for winter, which was an added achievement for the day! Huzzah.

IMG_2211Rode my bike to the dairy to get ingredients for Red Velvet Cake. However the dairy have didn't buttermilk. I decided to make chocolate cup cakes instead and then realised (when I got home) that I no longer have muffin pans to support the cakes while they are baking.  So my cakes were a little spread about and oddly shaped... rather nice lavender icing though. Mmm. Icing. Oh, and sprinkles of course. And I got to use the icing bag, which is always great fun.

[You can better see the weird shapes in the picture below. Please admire how much the cakes really question the idea of what is "round" and whether it's really compulsory for cupcakes to be "round". I love to shake things up, challenge the status quo, ask the hard questions. I'm hard core like that.]


Then I caught the bus to Newlands for the first time. This was an Adventure! When I arrived, mum had cut her own finger with a pair of scissors while she was collecting rosemary from the garden - as in, she cut very firmly through the woody rosemary stem and straight through her own finger. Michelle was there fixing aforementioned finger which was pissing blood. Then we drank red wine and had roast chickeny bits for dinner and ate cake and watched trashy TV. I stayed the night.

End of first day of pottery weekend - how did I go? My list was

  • Clothes washing ACHIEVE! - or at least, I didn't say that I had to do all the washing. So, ongoing achieve.
  • Vacuum the bedroom FAIL. I completely forgot about this.
  • Food Shopping: I will ride my bike to Chaffers Park New World SEMI-ACHIEVE - I rode my bike to the dairy to get ingredients, and I did a bit of food shopping. On second thoughts, I think it's perhaps more of a SEMI-FAIL.
  • Make hot cross buns FAIL. And I can't be arsed now, so this can go in the "Crazy Wacky Ideas" pile.
  • Make cake, possibly red velvet cake ACHIEVE. I made cupcakes. And in a more general baking sense, I also made bread. And in a more general cooking sense, I made soup.

Conclusion: MUST TRY HARDER.

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