Thursday, April 09, 2009

A Big Easter Weekend of Pottering Around - the Thursday night list

So, I have a Big Weekend sans Boy-type (who I will miss dreadfully, of course). And I have about a million billion things that I both need and want to do. I was going to write a list anyway, but I've decided that I'm going to make it a Blog Project. Weeeeeeeeeee


Friday is going to be the least exciting day *le sigh*

  • Time to finally do all the bits of washing I've been threatening to do for weeks and weeks and weeks. Not exciting, but certainly necessary.
  • Vacuum the bedroom. *yawn yawn yawn*
  • Food Shopping: I will ride my bike to Chaffers Park New World, because I like the waterfront
  • I would also like to make hot cross buns - the Edmonds scandal has piqued my interest and I'm feeling the Urge.
  • I'm having a ridiculous dinner with my mum, I'm in charge of making a ridiculous dessert. I think I need to make a cake with icing. Maybe a red velvet cake but without the random cream cheese icing which I'm just not that keen on.

Saturday I hope the library is open

  • I'm going to ride my bicycle down to and along the water front, I shall listen to Edith Piaf while riding in the sun and waving to the happy people.
  • Then I shall have a coffee
  • Then I shall go to the library and get out the entire BBC series of Pride and Prejudice. Hah! Any other suggestions for ridiculous girly long weekend watching?
  • Then I shall come home and bake some chocolate cup cakes. And ice them with lavender coloured icing. I think that rose flavouring would be good too.
  • And then I shall knit something ridiculous and watch episodes of Pride and Prejudice until my eyes pop out of my head.
  • Dinner would be good too. I should make something elaborate. Some kind of roast perchance?


  • God I hope I don't have to do last night's dishes.
  • So, I shall definitely lie in bed this morning with LOTS of coffee and toast and read and read and read.
  • Sewing! I will make a black pinafore dress
  • When I get angry and frustrated with the sewing I shall glue all the bits and pieces that I have been procrastinating about gluing.
  • Then forcing one of the Flatmates to cook or eating leftovers and reading some more or watching more movies

At the moment I'm undecided on Monday. We shall see what we shall see. I suspect gardening will be involved.

1 comment :

  1. The original BBC Brideshead Revisited. Deliciously restrained and repressed. The man who plays Sebastian is a fey god of a man.


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