Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Sweetness and Light


My Boy has gone away over Easter weekend (and before) to record some noodling for the radio in Tauranga and stay with his fantastic/hilarious grandparents. My weekend is going to be a weekend of pottering... I plan to sew and knit and blog and skate and ride my bike and bake and eat. And cut my hair. And issue an in depth "Easter Weekend Achievement" list on Thursday night so that my progress can be charted definitively.

But really, that’s beside the point.

I saw the Pioneer Women’s “Sweetness and Light” post this morning, and it filled me with joy, and I wanted to be all "yay sweetness and light!" but I had to work instead. I did find the picture of the kittens though *waves at kittens in boot*.

Talking about kittens: did I mention that the other week I was leaving work and had forgotten my bike helmet, I rushed  back to the office and another girl I work with was waiting outside for her ride. As I walked past her she said (imagine slightly hesitating voice) "Hey - there's a whole bunch of kittens over there." And there was! Six little tiny kittens (oh hai teh kitteh!).

I'm allergic to cats, so I don't have any of the kittens. Frankly, I don't even like cats that much, but kittens are like, something entirely different (with their little furry bodies! and their big ears! and eyes! and tails! oh! teh kitteh!)

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