Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wednesday List

It's been a while, but to be fair it's been a while since I've been terribly excited about anything. So. There you go then.

  • New favouritest web comic ever:  Girls With Slingshots. You'll click through to the very first comic. And then you can follow the whole story like I did the other night, I went mad and read the whole thing! It took me just over two and a half hours, and I had square eyes.
  • I am going to make this for my bicycle, but it shall be cooler.
  • And when I learn to crochet, I shall make this. Actually, I think I can adapt the pattern and knit it, so I'll keep you posted on how that goes.
  • The Pioneer Woman makes the best oven roasted wedges ever; you'll NEED the butter by the way. (If Jeebers hadn't meant us to eat butter, he wouldn't have given us mouths/cows/buttermaking equipment, I say).
  • Tagata Pasifika presented a Mental Health Special at the beginning of March. Seulata Fui-Mau'u's story made me rather weepy. I'm super pro people working towards their own mental health - and having hit rock bottom myself, I always feel so inspired when I see how hard people work to make themselves better. It's a top up of good feelings! So so worth the work.
  • Stoked to see that Guyana Girl is also confused about the Russian guy with the fir tree in his lung. Maybe he inhaled the tree while he was drunk. Hm. There was this one time when I thought I'd swallowed a needle, but actually it was just my imagination running away with me.

Enjoy xxx

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