Friday, May 01, 2009

Teaching myself how to crochet

And I have discovered already the importance of casting on loosely and have figured out some rudimentary crochet terms. Partially thanks to the interwebs with their mysterious ways and the information in their tubes and on Threadbanger.

Thought: how do people with craft blogs have time to crochet and knit and sew and make hideous bowls out of papier mache and blog and come up with ideas and live? Lately crafty bits have taken over my life and I have no idea how to fit anything else in. In fact, I've also been a bit naughty on the skating front, haven't been to training for a week and a  bit *tuts*.

On the upside, my bed is made.

I will be craft-obsessed for a few more days yet I suspect. More Peggy Squares for the People! The giant patchwork woollen blanket is growing.

1 comment :

  1. I've been known to make many crafty things with modge podge, but that bowl is in a special little craft category of it's own. I call it 'over crafty craft', when there really is no need for such an implement, it's made badly, it looks god ugly and just well it's wrong.

    Sometimes i step near that line, but usually never over it i hope.


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