Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In which Ginger rants endlessly about how she would rather be getting her Craft on

Something established: I am well addicted to Craft blogs and craft (and blogging and crafting and blogging about crafting and, and, and - ). This week I was ludicrously excited about taking a trip to Spotlight where I had to sit on my hands to prevent my urge to buy more fabric and yarn of different types and crochet hooks and one of those roller cutters and a cutting board and more interfacing *deep breath*. It's a hard hard life my lovelies. I've made a list of projects for Christmas and a list of projects for myself over summer, and am slooowly working my way through them. I've recently finished a Flying Spaghetti Monster for one of my brothers, and when I began the whole process was rather a mission with the double pointed needles because I had no idea what I was doing, and tried to knit an icord in the round instead of the way that you're supposed to do it - you know, the easy way. The way that makes sense. I'm plannig on making a variety of re-usable lunch time awesomes for my mum, including reusable sandwich wrap, and a little tote lunch tote bag, and a nibbles pouch. I've found some very pretty coated cotton that I'm making these with and it has lots of weight so it holds it's shape very well. I also knitted up a green scarf in a lace stitch that I'd like to give her but it always feels bloody stupid giving people scarves at Christmas time. I've crocheted an eyeball for my younger brother, and it looks lonely so I think I might make it a friend. I'm planning to crystallise and chocolate dip some ginger for my dad and I've bought a bunch of cardboard noodle boxes to present this kind of thing in. I'd also like to make chocolate peanut butter cups but as they're a usually a bit too sweet for most people I know I'm wondering who I could give them to (or if they'd ever make it out of my house). Caramel popcorn is quite festive too but I think I glutted myself on making it last month where I lived off it. For me: I'm desperate to make new undies for myself. I've been doing lots and lots of reading about it and have a pretty good idea of everything that I need to do in order to make them. I just need to get it sorted and source some fabric and some elastic for the legs and the tops and then I can have oodles and oodles more undies and chuck out all the ones that are falling apart horribly (i.e. most of them). I spend a lot of time thinking about this and searching things like "make your own knickers" in Google (but I'm definitely NOT Googling instead of working because that would be very irresponsible). I'll let you know how I get on with this. Oh, and also: The Spinsters' Knitting Club has a tumblog: spinstersknittingclub.tumblr.com. It's where I'm posting some knitting and crochet patterns that have made me *squee*.

1 comment :

  1. Hurray for Spinsters' Knitting Club! You'll be pleased to know I've done at least five rows since Sunday...


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