Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday List: Ten things in 2010

It’s getting to the time where I'm starting to think about what I want to achieve by the end of next year. I’ve made a list of ten things to do in 2010 and it feels like writing on a fresh page in a new exercise book - one of my all time favourite feelings. 1. Pay back credit card debt. 2. Learn to hula hoop. 3. Learn to spin. 4. Make a decision about returning to study and prepare myself to start in 2011. 5. Learn how to wear contact lenses. 6. Go to Camp a Low Hum and have a really super fab time. 7. Go to Blood and Thunder Camp and learn heaps and use my awesome and newly found skating skills to score twenty points for my team in the next bout. 8. Make a budget and stick to it. 9. Get the tattoo I’ve been talking about getting for five years. 10. Unclutter my life and maintain a clutterless environment. The plan for next year is to update this list in an effort to keep myself on track. I totally believe I can do it.


  1. This sounds like a good plan, you've added some fun stuff too, yay. I like the hula hoop plan.

  2. where would you learn to hula hoop? i so want to do that as well :D :D

  3. GG - thanks lady!

    Tara - Wellington Circus School offers hula hoop classes, so I'm waiting with baited breath to discover when they're starting up again. Can't hardly wait!

  4. Hey, I did the Hula Hoop class there. The tutor was the amazing Magenta Diamond. It was awesome fun and really good for building fitness. I recommend it. You'll start hula hooping everywhere - checking the letter box, on the bus...

  5. I love Magenta Diamond! That makes it super extra exciting...


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