Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hello my darlings, I hope that today finds you happy and wealthy and wise. I’m feeling two of those at least, and wealthy in other things besides money (say, pour example, debt). It’s Tuesday today, which usually means that I’ve overcome my Monday resolutions to work harder and have resettled myself into the kind of pace I work at most of the week which is principally: work/look something up on the internet/become distracted/down load photographs/blog/remember I’m at work/work/receive email from friend/send email to friend/look something up on the internet/become distracted and so on ad nauseum.

The good news tho’ is that I’ve found a new job! I don’t start for a couple of weeks but I will be based in town which is very exciting for me. I’ve missed working in the city and in Wellington in particular, namely; meeting my friends for excellent coffee and lunches and breakfasts, and picking up bits that I need from around and about. Being able to commit to social engagements that start at 6pm or before. Visiting galleries at lunch time. Running into people I haven’t seen in forever.

I should also stress that the job itself is pretty awesome and is much closer to what I imagine is my ideal job – history and heritage and New Zealand culture and the internets. It makes me extremely happy – nay, I feel contentment – knowing that I have this job to look forward to.


More changes: it’s looking for sure that I’m going to be moving at the end of March. I’ve spent most of the last few days fantasising about how I will decorate my new room – I’m still feeling the urge to paint everything white that isn’t already wood, but I also want to make a patchwork duvet cover with some of my fabric stash, and hang tiny stuffed birds from the ceiling, and make my fairy lights into a canopy so I feel like a princess while I’m lying in bed. I’m moving into the Boy’s flat but I will have my own space, and after living in my aerie tree house room for so long I’m ready for a room change. I do love parts of my tree house room tho and I shall miss it terribly. I wish I could move it with me.

I’ve been collecting images of rooms and things that have enthused me and have two albums, one on Flickr and one on Picasa.


My Boy is leaving for some exotic trips this Friday – a week in Auckland for work (not so exotique) and then a month in Nepal; traipsing the mountains, wearing hand made knitwear, drinking yak butter tea, standing on rocks with his hands on his hips and surveying the landscape, and growing a beard like a crazy mountain man.

While he’s having a fun holiday I thought I might repeat my experiment from last year while he was in India – this was taking a photograph a day while he was travelling. I’ll begin on Friday for me but I’ll put up the photographs together once a week. It’s something to do to distract me from sexual frustration I guess.


In other blog news, I am moving slowly through my CALH round up. Did I say slowly? I meant at a glacial pace. You could use me as an evolutionary measuring stick at present.

I saw Megan on the bus yesterday and we talked about how lazy blogging made one about one’s writing, never drafting or reading over anything and never really having a point, meandering endlessly and finishing sentences with ellipses instead of coming to any kind of conclusion… My new diary has been awesome for facilitating my writing. It’s fantastic to be liberated from the computer keyboard – I think differently when writing in different mediums and process of transcribing from handwriting to blog entry is effective in terms of editing closely.

I like writing. I forget that.


Finally, I am totally in love with this woman at the moment. She makes every day a good day. I suggest that you download her and stick her on your desktop for maximum AWESOME.

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