Thursday, January 20, 2011

Arohanui: boys singing drunkenly edition

Top of my list: this ridiculous photo of Shannon (L) and Martin at the wedding the other weekend. It is universally not remembered what they were singing along to. But it obviously moved them.

My lovelies:

Are you all loving on stuff this week? I am, rather. It's been a good week to be me, I think. In fact, apart from the Anxiety times, most weeks are pretty good weeks to be me. Like, I earn decent money and I have no major disabilities and I eat well and people love me.

Specifically I'm loving on:

Over 1000 visitors to my blog this month! Welcome, new visitors, make yourself comfortable x ♥ new ways to wear ALL THE SCARVES ♥ Six Items or Less! ♥ red lipstick ♥ homemade iced white tea with peach syrup ♥ cherry cordial ♥ chocolate halva (OMG) ♥ my bedroom and having my own, perfect, space ♥ glasses anticipation (especially these ones) ♥ Steve Buscemi ♥ The Gift by Lewis Hyde: it's taken a while, but now I'm feeling inspired ♥ coffee ♥ dealing with Katherine for stuff at work (because she is hilarious, awesome, and super helpful) ♥ affogato from Kaffe Eis made with hazelnut gelato (swoon) ♥ lying on the grass in the sun during my lunch break and listening to audio books ♥ blasting "personal bests" on my blog stats ♥ my Blue Harem pants have escaped the world-wide pants cull!

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