Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday List: Lovely Ladies with whom I'd love to have a coffee


In no particular order, a list of women who I think would make wonderful coffee partners.

♥ My lovely, wonderful, funny and gorgeous Bex. I would like to have a coffee with her, and then also perhaps a couple of bottles of wine. I received texts all weekend about her trip to Washington DC, but it's not the same (wails).

♥ The fabulous Lizzie. Lizzie, you rock my tiny world, and I want to hear about your shop and your plans and the fabulosity you've been investing in. I miss you Lizzie!

Peta Mathias who is a lady crush and fabulous to boot. She wrote a book, you know, called Can We Help it we're Fabulous? I've never met her, BUT I now have a possible contact, so when I go to France I will stalk her HARD CORE or - invite her out to coffee and sit spellbound in front of her like a student with her yogi. I'll be all "Peta! Lay your wisdom upon me". And she'll be like "Ginger, you should eat delicious food and dye your hair orange and move to France and be fabulous", and I'll say (while nodding) "Yes, yes, yes!"

♥ The apparently very batty Helena Bonham Carter. Batty! I should not be hungover for that coffee though, because, as is well recorded, I don't deal well with batty people while hungover.

♥ There are three internet people I'd like to meet for coffee: Alex Franzen, Bex from Thrifty Chick and Guyana Girl. For various reasons, including the general fabulosity of all. Fabulous! Also, I have been cross-commenting with GG since I first started my blog - she started hers about the same time. She's been there, man.

♥ Anais Nin - I'd sit in a stunned silence as she analysed me and told me about sleeping with her father. Also, I would admire her clothes and the way that she dresses, and quiz her about her relationship with her husband and how the hell that worked, and about Henry Miller and what he's really like. Because I can't make head nor tail of him or her or their relationship, and there's been a metric crapload written about it from both of them and from a bunch of other people too.

If you could choose anyone - who would you want to have a coffee with? I mega-cropped this list FYI.

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