WOW. This week has seemed very, very long. Odd isn't it, how sometimes the time just runs away with itself and sometimes it just drags by soooo sloooowly, it's beyond all belief. Defo this has been a week in the latter category - and I couldn't even tell you why, because it's been a week filled with awesomeness! WITNESS:
♥ I am extremely spoilt and the Boy bought me a ticket to WOMAD, which is happening next weekend! Exciting.
♥ My cooking mojo is back with a vengeance. I made two really great dishes over the last two nights and also baked an unbelievably good chocolate peanut butter slice type-thing.
♥ ALSO I didn't realise how big the slice recipe was and I ended up making far more than we could eat in our flat so I got to give it away as well, which made me feel awesome. Giving people food is a wonderful thing.
♥ Shannon went back down to Christchurch to work and came back a day earlier without telling me which meant: A Surprise! I love surprises!
♥ I passed my first assignment pretty much perfectly. Awesome.
♥ Bella came over for dinner last night and it was fabulous! We ate risotto and drank red wine and talked and then Bella made harissa in my food processor.
♥ HTML and CSS now make sense to me in a vague kind of way - as in, I can actually use it. It feels weird because it's bemused me so much over the years and all of a sudden, I've been given the tools to read it and understand what it's doing.
♥ And finally I get to make (or rather, re-state) another resolution - to exercise more. And I LOVE resolutions, they're like, my favourite thing ever to make.
Have a fabulous weekend lovely people! Can't hardly wait!

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