Saturday, August 06, 2011

I'm in Melbourne, and still examining my navel

I'm writing this perched in the computer/kitchen room at Shannon's mum Sheryll's house in the suburbs of Melbourne. The house is all nestled in the Australian bush and there is something very nice about all the gumtrees and parrots - living in a house nestled in the New Zealand bush would be rather more damp, and there would be infinitely less parrots, light and warmth. Warmth is so hott right now.

So far, my little weekend away has been wonderful - no school work, a surfeit of self-improvement blogging-style light reading (I'm reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project), and amazing food. Also, Sheryll and her partner Daryl have a super lovely big dog called Mia and there is nothing quite like having a temporary dog about the place - all the petting and loving with none of the bills. Tonight we're going to get down with our bad selves at Sheryll's fiftieth birthday party which should be quite quite fun, I feel.

Since I've been well away from computers, my urge to blog and to write has become much more pronounced. Back into it, for reals, I think. Thanks for sticking around if you've still dropped in every now and then! The Web Development course has made my whole relationship with the internet change ...  I love seeing what people can do, structure wise, but I don't see being online as a hobby or a fun leisure time activity anymore. I guess that my attitude will evolve in the future. I still like writing and reading the posts that other people are making, even though my input is a lot smaller. I think perhaps I'm going to have to create time for blogging in the evenings and weekends, instead of waiting for the urge to hit me like a thunderbolt. A camera would help me out a lot too! Anybody selling a snap and go camera at a derisive price? Want to barter for a skill that I have? I could knit you something or bake something ... cater a dinner party? Build you a site? Just putting it out there, people. Let me know via the usual channels.

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