So I need to decide:
- What shall I wear to Hot Water Beach? *
- To the Waihi Museum?
- To Whitianga township for a cup of coffee?
- Road tripping around the Coromandel Peninsular?
I shall NOT answer: "jeans and a giant cardigan" to all those questions. Orrrr. Maybe I will and just bring a huge selection of scarves (a la SIOL challenge).
In slightly related news: I'm going to give this whole "no shampoo" thing a whirl. It came from reading this article on the Hairpin, and I suspect starting it while in the country is probably for the best. I wonder if "no shampoo" will stick? Should I take shampoo with me Just In Case? Is it possible to be more of a hippie than I already am with the crystal deodorant and the Mooncup? Do I smell funny?
All questions shall be answered In Time I am sure.
PS: Dropping my year long challenge because it's depressing me and I just don't need any more depressing things in my life while dealing with coding.
*Swim togs would probably be the most sensible option here.

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