Thursday, April 12, 2012

Arohanui: things that I'm loving on a week in April

April already. Is it too too trite to comment on the speed in which the year has passed? Yes? I thought as much.

Things I'm loving on this week:

New found enthusiasm for many things after a long weekend away: over Easter I was away from my home, my computer and my internet connection, and all of my creature comforts. By the third day I wanted to floss and Eat All the Vegetables and knit and to write and I had a million blogging ideas. New found enthusiasm is delicous.

My workroom/offfice/sewing room: in the new house, Shannon and I share a work room, meaning that he sits over on one side of the room and does his electronicky things, and I sit over here on my side and sew and sit on my computer. Working in companionable silence in the evening is great (better than television, she says smugly), and I love having a dedicated space to work on my things. I'm planning on getting a bigger desk in the future so that I can spread out a bit more, but things are working just fine at the moment.

My blogging whiteboard: I have the week of blogging worked out on my dedicated whiteboard/inspiration board. At present I am (apparently) inspired by macramé owls, kitchenalia fabric, knitted moustaches and 19th century paintings of sheep bleating over the bodies of their dead lambs.


Fd101810Augustus Schenk, AnguishI know that my love of this painting seems a little, ah, macabre. But I love it for the intense anthropomorphising of the ewe, and the ewe's ridiculously noble bearing. Noble ewe!


Working to find my money management mojo: It's been a struggle to find it again but I'm getting there. This week I still had money in my account at the end of the pay week, and I liked that feeling. I'm officially committing to this, because it makes me feel rich and effortlessly affluent. Furthermore, I am revising the Unicorn this weekend, which is basically a lie as it stands. Time to be truthful about your money again, Ginger. Money Truth is hard.

And more things to love in no particular order:

♥Applications: Evernote, MarsEdit, Pomodoro Timer, EyeLeo ♥ Getting goofier about the Boy by the day ♥
♥ Not hating my job and finding new things to learn all the time ♥ Having a room full of people laugh over a ridiculous video that I helped to make ♥ My family ♥


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