Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Drinking Someone Else's Liquor Cabinet: Whiskey Sour

Still drinking my way through that liquor cabinet FYI. A couple of weeks ago now I took a bunch of the more random stuff (Sambuca, Blue Curacao) to a cocktail party where I attempted to bait the long suffering bartender into making something crazy delicous out of what were, basically, kind of bizarre and disgusting liquers.

Here I am drinking the Sambuca jobby (I think) and looking meaningful and wistful. What I don't look is SLOBBERING DRUNK, which is ironic given the circumstances.


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Anyways, today, the day where I found both the time and inclination to talk about myself on the internets yet again, I drank the very last of my Tullamore Dew whiskey, the one spirit I was not disappointed at all to receive. WHY? Because of *Whiskey Sour*, my cocktail happy place.

A whiskey sour is:

One part whiskey to one part lemon to one part sugar syrup. Or:

whiskey : lemon : sugar syrup

You're supposed to shake this all up with ice and then pour it in a glass, but that would require more steps before I get the booze inside me. I tend to put the ice cubes at the bottom of a glass, add all the ingredients and give it a quick stir.


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Then it's just a matter of getting it as quickly as possible from glass to mouth.

Next: the bottle of Galliano. Ugh.


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