Friday, June 07, 2013

What's making me happy this week: the only way is cosiness

Honestly, this week - despite being a short week - has been pretty bleak. It is totally, officially winter, and I am totally officially experiencing the dull glumness that comes with going to and leaving work in the dark, and being freezing cold at home because of our ridiculous lack of insulation and the southerly blowing through the cracks in the windows and floor.* Cold! In my house! All the time! So, given the constant fight to get and keep warm, the thing that is making me MOST happy this week is cosiness, which I imagine looking a little like this:

I am writing this while sitting as close to the fire** as I can without my clothes melting, dressed in full tracksuit. I am wearing slippers with fur liners and stockings under my yoga pants, and a polyprop that smells a little strange, in the way that only old polyprops can.

The creme de la creme of cosy, is of course, Bed, and the last few days I have been going to bed as early as seems reasonable for a 31 year old woman. While in bed, I like to curl up with two delicious hot water bottles, in full pyjamas, under a feather duvet and two crochet woollen blankets, and with another person. In a nest of pillows. There can never be too much cosiness!

Other things:

READING: Yep, still working my way through The Confusion. Can't help thinking I'd be making better headway if I was reading just the one book? But why not wade rather than rush... it's not a competition after all.

I've also begun my anticipatory holiday reading. Fran leant me a copy of Paris: The Secret History by Andrew Hussey. Parisian "outsider" history, allegedly. TBH, I've perceived it as only vaguely outsider thus far - but I'm only up to the Renaissance so there is defo room for further developments. I hear the nineteenth century was good for such things, and I hold high hopes for an excess of twentieth century material.

WATCHING: After a discussion during a drunken Friday catch-up, Katherine sent me a link to food history series Supersizers on YouTube. Basically, the premise of this show is that Giles, a restaurant critic, and Sue, a comedian (allegedly), investigate the food and costumes of a particular historical period and are completely gluttonous in the process.

Shannon has described the show as 'nihilistic' and there is something deliberately bleak about the way that they throw food around. I keep thinking 'ARGH! WASTE!'. And how they complain - about what is essentially my dream job.

There are umpteen complete episodes on YouTube, and you should definitely check it out, if only for the cockatrice and the cock riding a piglet in the Medieval episode.

Helmeted Cock!
FAVOURITE PODCAST EPISODE: Wireless Nights with Jarvis Cocker - Nights of Passage, mostly because of the story about a woman falling off the Newcastle-Amsterdam Ferry and into the waters of the English Channel.

I usually find Wireless Nights self-conscious and a bit annoying - it takes the "radio-ness" of Radiolab to the Nth degree and it feels rather laboured. I think that the more recent episodes are a bit more settled into the format.

Maybe I'm just not enough of a Pulp fangirl to be listening to this podcast.

KNITTING: Cast on a new pair of socks! And after completion I will have a break from socks for a bit I think.

Do you have a good solution for dealing with all this COLD?

*This sounds only a little more Dickensian than it actually feels.
**heater that likes to pretend it's a fire.\


  1. I've always loved the idea of 'cosiness'. Warm soup, a blazing fire, someone to snuggle with. That bed looks super cosy.

    I was VERY cold in Oz, in winter. I had 2 hot water bottles. But I think 10 would've been better. Yes, definitely 10. And lots of pillows. And that special someone, of course.

  2. Ten hot water bottles would suit me fine. The hot water bottles are always so SMALL and the cold so BIG.


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