Saturday, November 30, 2013

I went away on holiday and all you got was this shitty blog post

5 saltBeefBagelFuckYeah


I am so free with the feelings of what few readers I have left. I disappear for months at a time (my most recent post was on the last day of July), and when I resume, four months later, I refuse to even give an excuse.

Yes indeed, no excuse for you all - except - that for six weeks of that four months, I was traipsing around parts of southwest England, Berlin and Paris and was simply unable to post. This was the trip for which I began my abortive Savings Tower.

Suffice to say: I saved the money, I booked the trip, I went. Was the trip fabulous? Yes. Yes it was.

I am also very smug as I came back with less than a thousand dollars worth of credit card debt. This is due in no small part to the generosity of Shannon and Nat, who sent me some money-presents while I was away. I also managed to negotiate (with Shannon) a hiatus on the power and internet bills.

Although no debt would have been ideal, the amount I've come back with is completely manageable, given how long I was away, and that I didn't especially watch what I was spending. I'll pay it back in no time!

Best things about my holiday:

  • Seeing and staying with friends and family who made me feel welcome, and wanted, and spent a lot of their time entertaining me and feeding me and driving me around the place.
  • Riding the trains in South-West England: I'd love to do a holiday where I spend the whole time just doing this. My train journeys took me to Winchester, Portsmouth, Penzance, St Ives, Salisbury and Bath before returning me safely to London. And that was over just three weeks!
  • Berlin: Ich liebe Berlin! Berlin is the best and I want to move there. I loved the slightly deteriorating splendour of the palaces at Sans Souci, and the general awesome vibe of the city. I did not do a lot of clubbing, before you ask. This is mainly because I am not any kind of clubber, nor have I been since I was about 21 but partially because I didn't like the idea of going out, a single female, to bars and clubs in cities which I wasn't familiar with. I don't have any regrets about this.
  • Rediscovering how much I enjoy visiting art galleries. I adore museums, and art museums but I must confess I had gone off art galleries a little since with the Melbourne Episode (of over seven years ago now, ye gods). Maybe, since it was an overseas experience that had caused the ambivalence, it took a positive overseas experience to reverse this.




I have many pictures, but I don't think that anyone enjoys it when someone posts one million pictures of their holiday on their blog - and my photos are as a rule kind of awful. I have created a Picasa Google+ album with some of the better good shots and captions for you to view, if you are so inclined.

Finally, a disclaimer: I have seriously toyed with pulling this entire blog down and having done with it. Since I apparently just can't make the break, we'll just have to live with my erratic and irregular posting for the time being.

Just love me the way I am. x


  1. Yay, you're back. I had wondered :-)

  2. No, don't take down your blog. One day, you'll be glad you kept it up.

    I guess I should join google+, facebook and all the rest. Oh dear :-)

    1. I say: avoid unless strictly necessary. Except Twitter, I like Twitter.

      The only reason my pics are on Google+ is because they were on Picasa before it became Google+.

  3. And I'm stumbling around on Twitter :-( Though I must say, I've met some nice people there too.


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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