Friday, January 22, 2010

My first yarn

Last night I span my very first yarn with my very first drop spindle. I AM AWESOME. I AM PROUD OF ME.

The fibre is a hand-dyed merino from Vintage Purls. I had 20gm of it in my Blendy sampler box, and I received my first spindle on Monday (I ordered it through Trade Me). It's an Ashford drop spindle and it's pretty basic really - a student one. But it's my Baby and I'm going to call it Molly. Hello Molly Spindle! J'adore.

This is what the fibre looked like:

And this is what my little bit of yarn looked like (you can see Molly too. Hi Molly!):

I think I'm addicted. Right now I wish I was spinning something else! It's so gratifying watching the loose fibres spin elegantly into yarn - and it's really very easy too. I taught myself through two or three Youtube clips and I picked it up within an hour! The technology itself is so old (the same sort of tool has been in use since the Iron Age at least) and the technology it's so effective that it's never really stopped being relevant. Ancient, yes; irrelevant, no. And that's a strange nice oddity too - that I taught myself an ancient craft through the internet, and ordered all my supplies through the internet. Basically, the only thing the internet doesn't do for me is physically suckle me.

I can't wait until the kinks are straightened out of the yarn and it's completely dry. I don't know what to knit with it but I think it will be most satisfyingly tiny and meaningful. A tiny bit of meaningful knitting.

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