Monday, March 01, 2010

Arohanui: "Make do and mend/poorer than I ever imagined" Edition

I’m tired and furious. Tired because I was all emotional from the furiousity earlier this morning and furious because my financial situation has lurched suddenly into more debt than I ever could have imagined. Like, insane amounts of debt. Like, will I ever be out of debt again? amounts of debt. But I shan’t give up. I am stronger than this goddamit! I shall enjoy The Frugal Life.

Here are some things that are inexpensive and make me happy:
♥ Making an awesome healthy meal with the food I have at home
♥ Cleaning my bicycle and polishing the chrome with lemon juice and aluminium foil
♥ Washing my hair and enjoying it’s shininess
♥ Borrowing a stack of girly/Jane Austen DVDs from my mother and watching them forever
♥ Finding patterns on Ravelry and knitting them out of my stash
♥ Finishing half finished projects
♥ Crafty plans: sewing underwear out of old t-shirts
♥ Day dreaming
♥ Running on time
♥ Reading books from my “to read” pile
♥ Taking bad photographs of random crap with my camera
♥ Emailing my overseas Boy
Yes yes lots of knitting and spinning for me at the moment for sure. I have masses of sliver at home that’s waiting for me to spin it into useable yarn. Also I have a huge bag full of yarn that I could be using for stuff and a list of stuff that I’m intending to make. Oh, and also I have a blog that I haven’t written on that much lately (mostly pictures).

Make do and mend my friends, make do and mend. That is what I shall be doing. Indeed.

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