Thursday, March 04, 2010

Heute ist Donnerstag

My favourite German day of the week is Mittwoch. Not only is it uniquely satisfying to say, it is also a perfect example of how literal German is. Mittwoch = the middle of the week = Wednesday.

♥Looking like: I need more sleep. I fell asleep over the book I was reading last night because I stayed up far too late on Wednesday.

♥Listening to: Harry Potter audio books (still), and The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. The Historian won an Audie Award and it is quite a wonderful recording. I’m enjoying the book too. That is, I don’t think it’s the most amazing literary experience that I’ve ever had but it’s certainly entertaining to listen to. I’ve made the decision not to buy any audio books for a wee while; I spend a fortune on them and I’m trying to be better about money.

♥Fad a la Mode: Worrying about money and eating too much bread and cheese.

♥Watched this Week: I borrowed a whole bunch of period drama DVDs from my mum and have been working my way through them. I’ve watched Sense and Sensibility, Elizabeth, A Room With A View, Persuasion and Mansfield Park. Also I’ve been feeling a bit flat the last few days, so I’ve turned to comfort watching the Gilmore Girls for succour.

♥Reading: I’ve picked up a bunch of books that I have had lying about for ages but haven’t finished. I’m reading The Prime of Life by Simone De Beauvoir and Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett. My copy of The Prime of Life has gone a bit mouldy. Should I be worried about this? Please answer.

The mould is on the earlier pages and I’m reading clean ones, but whenever Oprah visited those houses after the New Orleans floods she wore a full body suit and ventilator, so the mould exposure is making me a tiny bit concerned.

♥Webreading: If you must know – I’ve been wasting all my time on Lamebook and Oddly Specific. What a dick.

♥Anticipation: New job on Wednesday, and Simon Schama on Friday. I can’t hardly wait to see Simon.

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