Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Last day of my job today. I have been filled with cake and coffee and been given a Spotlight voucher to spend on crafty bits which I’m excited about. I think I shall buy some circular needles. $60 dollars on circular needles feels so naughty and good. Most looking forward to it.

I’m also looking forward to starting a new job tomorrow but I’m feeling rather fluey/coldy and ill. Feeling ill is ANNOYING. I’m not into it at all.

I started packing for my impending move (last weekend of this month) during this weekend. I have so much stuff, it’s overwhelming. I’ve been trying to jettison some of it but it feels as though every time I throw something away I’m inundated with something as equally hard to get rid of. Which reminds me – if you want a knitting machine and ribber and table and accessories for $50 flick me an email at the address in the side bar and I’ll let you know all the details.

I’ve been a bit dreadful at sticking to my “picture a day” project. And then I decided that I’d missed so many days there was no point. But I’ve recently read this post on ZenHabits about forming good habits and it spurred me to get back at it again. Thank goodness I don’t try to take photographs like this all year round – the amount of guilt I end up feeling when I forget to do it is just silly.

Nothing else is going really except that I seem to have lost my mojo for heaps of things – I’ve lost my blogging mojo, knitting mojo, tidy bedroom mojo, healthy eating mojo. Derby mojo most of all. Sometimes the looking towards big things (house and job change) totally affects my day to day functionality. Too preoccupied or something.

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