Wednesday, May 12, 2010

In which I am sick, eat a bunch of chocolate, and am bitten in the ass for my procrastination and general slackness

Many a thing has been happening. But not today, because today I lay in bed and felt sorry for my cold-ridden self. Also, I watched Deadwood and The Gilmore Girls and read this ridiculously trashy book about Queen Guenevere and the fight for the Old Ways and King Arthur and stuff. And I knitted a bunch more of the cardigan that is taking me forever in it's hugeness.

I loved the idea of having a super huge cardigan that I could wear all winter long and I decided to knit it myself because I'd never knitted a cardigan before and also I thought it might work out a bit cheaper. It already has about $60 worth of black wool in it and something like 60 hours worth of work (conservative estimate). I'm only about two thirds of the way through, and working off the basis that I wouldn't work for any less than $15 dollars an hour I can calculate that this only partly-finished cardigan has already cost me nearly $1000. To which I say: Firstly, no wonder cheap knitwear is so fucking nasty; and secondly, pay rates in Chinese factories WTF? Admittedly, those peeps aren't knitting each stitch. But. Still. Even buying one of those hideous hand knit sweaters from a hideous hand knit sweater store doesn't work out as expensive as I've just calculated my cardigan to be, so either those ladies must be making a huge loss or I've made a huge overestimate in the amount of hours I've worked on this thing. It certainly feels like I've worked on it that long.

As for being bitten on the ass for my general slackness and procrastination: it has oft been noted that my derby attendance has dropped off markedly (as in; has become non-existent). Today I looked in my email box and discovered that I am supposed to sit the skills test this Friday, the skills test that will dictate whether or not I can bout in the upcoming season or indeed, trial for the teams for the upcoming season. Dudes, I have been to training about three times in the last month, and that was a spectacular increase in attendance. I have passed this test twice in the past* and I'm fairly sure I can pass it. But now I have a huge weight of doubt and regret and self doubt hanging over me and some quite awesome self flagellation going on. Nice fucking work Ginger. I am off to the skills test then on Friday and I will just have to wait and see if I am allowed to bout this year. And if I'm allowed I am going to have to suck it in big time and work my ass off and STOP PROCRASTINATING.

And kiddies, that's it. Back to knitting and Gilmore girls and the rest of this king-sized block of Almond Gold, which will surely give me the athletic edge that I'm craving.

*or at least: I've sat it twice. The first time I broke myself
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