Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Lady of Leisure Speaks

via tweexcore
Hello my lovelies,

I'm writing this on DAY FOUR of my Lady of Leisure week (I'm including the weekends, doncha know). Life's been pretty quiet. I've been luxuriating in my surfeit of time by mostly reading. I've just finished a book about Natalie Clifford Barney that was quite fantastic. Yay for that book! Also I am going to see Harry Potter tonight which is super exciting. And (my) Natalie and I are having Mexican food before hand. YUM!

I'm quite stoked with my look today. I think it's quite Katherine Mansfield-esque, mostly due to the waist on this frock and the enormous shawl collared hand-knit cardigan that I'm wearing over the top. Oh, and also this brand new bob that I'm sporting.

Which brings me to - OMG I got my hair cut for the first time in forevs and it was SO incredibly stressful. The woman who was cutting my hair did not understand the following concepts: blunt, severe, cut into the back, side fringe. I feel this hair cut is a compromise (it's textured, gag). It's also the first hair cut I've had done professionally in something like four years and suffice to say I'm NOT STOKED. Shall Not Trade With Again. For serious, I came home and had a little anxiety release blub because the process of sitting there and having my hair cut into something I didn't want was crazy stressful. I need to find a good hairdresser if I'm going to commit to the whole concept of "having a hair style". Wellingtonians: HELP ME.

Must fly, HP calls.

Love love


  1. Hmmm..can't really help you re a hairdresser seeing as I get my haircut once a year at the absolute most and even then, it's a very non-risky trim. My hair looks almost exactly the same. No one ever notices my hair cuts. Bit boring really eh.

    But, freakn loving the lady-of-leisure week. Enjoy the rest it :-)

  2. I have waxed lyrical all over the internet about Erin at Glory on Bond St. She is A. Maze. Ing.

    Expensive, but worth it.

  3. The last time I came here, we had a powercut and I had to shut down, bleah.

    Lady of Leisure, you make life sound pretty good right now, unwanted hairstyle or not.

  4. Ange and GG: Thanks awfully! Lady of Leisure week was heavenly. I'm considering scheduling some more throughout my life.

    Megan: thanks a bunch, I'll look into it!


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