Friday, December 10, 2010

Some cheerful things

I think I've used this title before but I also think it's pretty awesome. Darnit, I'll use it again if I feel like it. I'll do what I like in my own house! Including spamming you with Christmas bits!

via Vintage Photographs

Today at lunchtime I suddenly got a massive "sweet things" obsession and spenta a small fortune at Moore Wilsons. I now feel a bit sick but also FABULOUS after eating a Floriditias nanaimo finger and a large piece of caramel chocolate brownie. It was so so yum, and I strongly recommend that you stuff yourself with Floridita's slices whenever you get the opportunity. In fact, I feel so strongly about this, I that I will send *one lucky reader* one of each of these delicious slices. If you want it to be you, you should leave a comment and tell me what you like to stuff yourself with during your period. Or if you're a dude, perhaps you could tell me your preferred foodstuff to stuff yourself with when you're craving sweetness at work? *

Honestly though, with the exception of Shannon I don't think many dudes read my blog. It was the investigative blogging into periods that did it I think.

EDITED TO ADD: I'll send out the cakey-slice goodness on Wednesday which is when I get paid next, so you have until then to tell me that you want some.

Have I mentioned before that I listen to Harry Potter audiobooks to give myself an instant mood boost? It's like when I was 25 and I'd just moved back from Australia and I watched the Gilmore Girls whenever I felt sad. I haven't watched any episodes of the Gilmore Girls for about six months now, maybe more. On the other hand, I've been listening to Harry Potter audiobooks pretty much on repeat for the last three months. And here I am again, listening to Stephen Fry read the first Harry Potter book, and I'm all like: "OH MY GOD HARRY IS A WIZARD??? I wonder what kookie adventures he'll have???"

I saw the most recent Harry Potter movie with Nat and I really liked it. I thought, that given the limitations of the book they did pretty well. However, Movie Hermione does nothing but whinge which I personally find very annoying!

Today I decided that I was totally in love with Kate Beaton (it's difficult not to if you follow her on Twitter). Then I saw the website of a woman called Lizz Hickey and now I am in love with her as well. I think she's pretty much the coolest thing since sliced bread. She makes me want a finger tattoo. I could have a little circle on one of my fingers to go with the other three circles I have tattooed on my body. Perhaps I should get the tattoo on the finger that makes me want to hurl the least? My fingers really aren't super sexy FYI. They're a little old-lady looking. It's chewing my cuticles that does it (terrible idea).

I used to wear lots of rings but not so much anymore - since I lost the beautiful ring that I got as a present and had a spectacular work-based freakout. Dude, that freakout was quelle spectacular, and Dad was called in to pick me up from the airport. This was when I was making coffee full time and working at Fuel - after the freakout I sat under the counter and scrubbed the frames of the refrigerator in a very obsessive-peculiar manner. Those were the days (chortle).

I am geeking out hard core about Christmas this year. I have been listening to a lot of Christmas music (in between Harry Potter episodes, of course). I can't wait to eat and eat and eat, and despite thinking only about a week ago that I couldn't really be bothered with uber-Christmassy food this year, I'm beginning to crave mince pies. I had some rather nice ones at Katherine's house on Wednesday when I was there for book club. I'm tempted to make my own Christmas mince and short pastry and make super delicious pies and then take them wherever I go. Delia is fab, and she seems to have a rather nice recipe for Christmas mince. But suet? I'm not even sure where one gets suet these days - unless Shreddo is suet? I want to make mince pies but now I'm a little big disgusted about the concept of suet.

"Suet" is great fun to say tho'. Suet suet suet suet.

I need to decorate the house - S is against a tree (booo, humbug!) but I think that Jo and I can overcome his objections, mostly by ignoring them. Christmas without a tree is a TERRIBLE idea.

*Please note I am in NO WAY AFFILIATED to either Floriditas or Moore Wilsons, but it's not through lack of trying.


  1. Love to stuff myself with any chocolate or chippies but my biggest indulgence would be the oh-so amazing cupcakes from Tempt or Custard Squares from Nada Bakery

  2. We always make the mince meat that's in Edmonds which calls for suet, and don't use it. Just leave it out. Totally unnecessary. Add an extra splash of brandy instead.

    And I would love to win slice! At period time, I crave EVERYTHING to eat. Especially salty snacks. And then some more meat.

  3. Super post lady! I actually arrive back home on Thursday (to Wellyz - oh yeah!) So I can partake in this giveaway.

    I am a cupcake geek - but if it's lady time and I can't be bothered to make any, I'll buy some delicious cake from Midnight Expresso. Or a giant Midnight Expresso Giant Cheese Scone. Those are AMAZING! I haven't had one for over 15 months though...but I'm totally going there soon as I get back. Most likely the day I get back.

  4. RJ's licorice allsorts - but only the fondant. I don't like licorice, it's yucky. So I peel the fondant away, and put the licorice back in the bag. Yes, it's a bad habit. No one shares licorice with me. Tee hee.

    Chocolate covered hokeypokey. Cadbury or otherwise, I'm not too fussy. I like to eat the chocolate off first, then the hokeypokey.

    Peanut butter milkshakes from Sweet Mothers Kitchen. OH MY GOD SO GOOD.

    Lemon bars (home made).

    Black Forest Chocolate.

    Fry's Turkish Delight.

    The Rocky Road Slice from that-cafe-that-used-to-be-Espressaholic

    And that is all I can think of for now.


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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