Thursday, January 06, 2011

Arohanui! - creepy ectoplasm picture edition

Hello my darling darlings. Are you back at work yet? I am as of yesterday. But only for five weeks and then I am Queen Bee McStudy Pants and will be studying Web Development full time! I am so excited it's like, a tangible sort of ectoplasm. I am ectoplasmicking all over the place. (Incidentally, ectoplasm is freaky gross as a concept).


Here are some other things I'm loving on this week:

Having a desk in my room! It's not the world's most sexy piece of furniture but I'm afraid that I have had to take monetary considerations into concern. Thus I am using the Boy's old desk which is made of a delightful mock-maple veneered particle board. Tres chic, non? Aesthetics aside, there's something simply super about having a proper workspace again. I'm predicting a New Year's resurgence of blogging mojo. Booyakasha.

Newly rearranged bedroom. This I had to do in order to fit the desk in, but as Jojo says, there is nothing like rearranging things to refresh the energy of a room. My room has had it's energy thoroughly refreshed let me tell you. Also, cleaning and dusting always helps. Bare wooden floors are the absolute worse for dust. Usually, I live in a dust bunny colony.

Weleda Almond Oil which is super for removing eye make up and also makes a lovely moisturiser for my increasingly sensitive skin. Good product. Not ridiculously crazy expensive. Yay!

Reading in the sun, in bed, on the grass et al. For two weeks I've done little else but read read read and it's something quite fabulous I must say. I've finished a bunch of books I've had lurking about for ages with an uninspiring chapter and a half left to read and the feeling of completion is epic. MMMMMMM EPIC COMPLETION MAKES MY SKIRT FLY UP.

Discovering the Tweetdeck for Chrome app. I like Tweetdeck but I already have a desktop client downloaded and I didn't want to download another. Tweetdeck for Chrome has made all my geeky Twitter dreams come true and I am now feeling far more streamlined. I mean, it's in my head, but it's a freaking beautiful delusion y'all.

♥ coffee ♥ Shannon ♥ resolutions ♥ walks in the Town Belt which begin right near my house and take me MILES AWAY ♥ simple pasta dinners ♥ potatoes from our garden ♥ the amazing blogs that I'm incredibly lucky to be able to read (all those people giving their time and enthusiasm for free!) ♥ Agatha Christie dramatisations ♥ Phil Harding ♥ the really good French style cider that tastes a bit like feet ♥ finding an awesome and ridiculous pair of blue harem pants in our garage ♥ spending New Year's Eve with a spectacularly eccentric and fabulous bunch of people and NOT BEING HUNGOVER THE NEXT DAY ♥ bread and butter pudding made with panettone ♥ oh, and coffee

Lay your wisdom upon me my lovelies. And welcome back to work if you're already slaving away like I am xx



  1. Coffee = YUSS. It's like an old, faithful friend. I heart coffee.
    Panetone bread & butter pudding = you should totally post the recipe
    Going back to school to study web development = so jealous right now! Absolutely what I would love to do but I'm too chicken to even study part time (fear of failure or summat like that). Plus procrastination is my evil twin.

  2. Blue Harem pants - that freakin rules!

  3. Ange: Basically I just doubled the custard quantity used in the Edmond's recipe and used buttered leftover panettone instead of bread. Oh, and used banana and chocolate between the layers and no lemons. And used a huge dish. So, quite different really.

    Trees, can you believe that Boy is against the blue Harem pants? So sad. Never mind.


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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