Friday, January 07, 2011

Fifty-Two Tasks: The first week

via All Things Amazing

Very vaguely, I chose "Start the New Year with a clean slate" as my first task of 2011. I can definitely confirm that there was much tidying that went on - an entire room was reorganised (as has already been noted) and everything in the aforementioned room was cleaned, including myself. I've been wearing makeup to work and arriving on time (both of which bode well for my productivity). I've addressed some things that happened in the old year that I wasn't happy about and have made some active re-thinking decisions. My bed has been made everyday for a week! Thus, I say that "Start the New Year with a clean slate" is indeed a success. Consider my slate wiped clean. Onwards and upwards!

My next task is a decluttering one, because that's the kind of lady I am. I will be choosing item 26 from my list which is - "Clear out my craft stuff and get rid of any fabric or wool that makes me gag". A whole week to achieve! This I can do. Also, it will make my room look tidier because at the moment there is a blue plastic crate that is vomiting fabric scraps everywhere. And tidier makes Ginger happier, yes indeed.

I'm taking part in the new cycle of Six Items or Less! We begin on January 10 - my first post is here. If you see me in the street, amaze at my sophisticated style please, and don't point and laugh. Lovely xx.

1 comment :

  1. I just read about six items or less - really interesting! You looked fab when I saw you today by the way;)

    Lets craft soon.


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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