Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday List of Awesome

Alright so, I'm ditching the Sunday Awesome business and I'm going to make a lovely list of awesome things to see and do on the interwebs for Monday instead. You'll like it! It'll make your skirt fly up, and that has to be a good thing, right?

(If you are reading this in a reader you could put it in a separate window and then use the links when you're procrastinating. Don't pretend you're not going to do it.)

So, for my inaugural list:


♥ Today is the first day of the Six Items or Less challenge!

♥ The amazing Rebecca Clements of KinokoFry put together this hilarious/fabulous illustration which takes us from the year of the Tiger to the year of the Rabbit. I know nothing about Chinese Astrological years but the image of sexy time with a tiger had me shaking in my seat. For shizzle, my nizzle.

♥ If you haven't already, you should read this article by Michael Pollan that was published in the New York Times a couple of years back. It outlines his book In Defense of Food which I've been reading lately. It's some kind of super fabulous - food is an endlessly fascinating topic, don't you think?

♥ Talking of which, the ever fabulous Bex has started a little foodie blog called the Adventures of Doris Plum. She is adorable and I miss her a stupid amount (although I am, as always, a revoltingly bad correspondent. Boo. Sorry baby).

♥ This is a couple of weeks late now but if you haven't already seen the Hyperbole and a Half post on the year Kenny Loggins ruined Christmas then you are missing out on a belly-achingly good read. I think I doubled over at one point, it's just too too perfect. Comic timing is an amazing thing, and that lady has it in spades. For realz.

♥ Also, call Trippy Cat Gifs for a good time. There's nothing quite like a garish cat gif to make me lolz.



(close your eyes and dance or something)
♥ Here is a mixtape at The Fox is Black which is quite sexxxxxxy. Also good for work!

How to tie a sexy head scarf on your sexy head. I am quite fond of number one which is called, ridiculously, "The Tastemaker Turban". I am tastemaking right now people.

♥ Product Junkies Rehab did a round up of their top ten natural deodorants (after exhaustive research, it must be said). I'm very tempted to try the first baking soda paste deodorant - however I'm using a solid crystal at the moment so it's bound to be another 15 months or so before I need to address the problem of more deodorant. So long to wait!

Enjoy, kittens!


The image at the top of the page is by Yoko Furusho, who I discovered via The Fox is Black.
The next one down is by Leon Baskt and I found it via All Things Amazing.


  1. Thanks for the link, Ginger! Although I have to say, I think the most exhaustive part of this search was for all the people around me who were exhausted of my "natural" smell.

  2. This made me happy. Quite an enjoyable post. =)

  3. Thanks for dropping by Jordan!

    Glad you liked it Christy :)


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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