Monday, May 02, 2005

Feeling Listy

This weekend just past Andy and I went out to Plimmerton to stay at his parents' place while they were up at the bach in Turangi, and it was SO nice and relaxing. Plimmerton is only half an hour outside the city but it really does feel miles away. So Saturday night we drank some red wine and I read about half of "The Time Traveller's Wife", by Audrey Niffenegger (what a last name that is). I can't recommend this book highly enough... it was like A.S Byatt's "Possession" in that it managed to be thought provoking and clever while entertaining with its tear-jerking doomed-love story (as oppose to clever books that are mostly boring unless you reflect on how clever they are the entire time, and how clever you are for reading them). So, I sat around with tears in my eyes for about twenty four hours (which is how long I read it in). In saying that lots of things provoked tears in that twenty four hours, like, for example, advertisements on the TV and the thought of the colonial injustices of Australia - I was watching something on C4 (the music channel) and the girl hosting it was talking to these kids from an Aboriginal dance and culture school and I started thinking about all the massacres of Aboriginal people that I'd read about, and the suppression of Aboriginal culture, and the general attitude of Australian's towards Aboriginals (for further illustration, try "the Fatal Shore" by Robert Hughes or Alan Moorehead's "the Fatal Impact"). I think this was a combination of the ridiculously busy day at work on Saturday and the couple of glasses of red wine and the gin. So, despite being a bit emotional, I had a good weekend. I was at work today at the cafe, and it was rather nice. I licked the mixing bowl after it had been used to make Chocolate Espresso Slice, and that was rather delicious. On the downside, I have curious OOS in my left hand... maybe from the coffee machine? Or maybe from lifting too many things? Or from typing too much (blogging and its occupational hazards)? It really hurts. My step-cousin Rebecca is supposed to be coming around to look at our flat this evening, but I am yet to hear from her. Our house is a fucking pig sty, there is stuff everywhere, I really need to tidy up. Andy's iPod is bung for some reason. Feeling especially neurotic and scatterbrained. My mother seems to think that Andy and I are only going away for a six month holiday, instead of starting our OE (as in, indefinate travel), and I am not looking forward to having to straighten her out. Also, I have to tell her that Andy's parents are coming to my graduation and I'm afraid she'll be funny about it (as in, she doesn't really like Andy's mother and "this should be a family time and it should be spent with your family"). I went to see her last week and it was good to spend time with her and I love her and everything but her neuroses are just too much sometimes (tumeke, e hoa!). She hates her job, but instead of doing something about it she just bitches to all and sundry about her boss. This is unbelievably frustrating. Only 34 days until we leave! Still struggling to be dairy-free. Considering even giving up the attempt. I don't think its making much difference to my eczema/asthma/hayfever anyway. AND: Does it look slutty to have a counter that shows how many people have come through this blog? I can't decide whether it should be all stealth-style, or blatant in showing off its numbers. I whinge a lot in this post.


  1. Hey Sarah, for some reason I enjoy reading your posts. I don't know if it's because of [1] New Zealand [2] the art and other sites I want to check out, like National Radio [3] stuff I relate to..."clever books that are mostly boring unless you reflect on how clever they are the entire time, and how clever you are for reading them". Pretentious writers?

    Yep. Only yesterday I was sitting in our veranda, thinking same!

    I have asthma [controlled with Flixotide], eczema [sometimes] and hay fever. My blastid nose is red and itching as I type.

    I had to laugh at your mum hating her job, bitching about her's something women do. We bitch, gripe and complain. But we don't do squat about it.

    What does tumeke, e hoa mean? does not look slutty with the counter. I want to put one on mine. I'll get around to it one day.

    I love oz. Only been to NSW and as far as Queensland though. Why did you choose Adelaide?

  2. As you know, I have no problem with hit counters. How else would I know that you're my favorite 700th visitor?

  3. Guyana:
    I might answer the question about Adelaide in another post... so many people have asked my "Why Adelaide?" Its normally the second comment. (the first being "Oh! So soon!")

    "Tumeke, e hoa!" is Maori for "Too much, mate (my friend, lit.)"

    And, I guess that the counter stays. : ).

  4. P.S: Guyana, you always write such lovely things! And it means so much coming from someone who writes as amazingly as yourself. How did it pan out with the publisher?

  5. I guess I like people, Sarah. I ain't no saint, but basically I like people.

    Well, my manuscript is with 3 publishers, and one lit. agent right now. Phew. Phew. Phew.

    And atichoo. Hay fever has been killing me.


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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