Tuesday, May 03, 2005


"The Carebears" are on TV. I used to love that show (Andy says he did too, bless him) but I have to say that now it comes across as incredibly saccharine and the Carebears themselves are so sickeningly GOOD. It looks really dated too. Its kind of sad seeing things you loved as a child almost twenty years later because they look so dated. I saw a bit of an episode of "Rainbow" the other day, and Zippy and Harold and Bungle all looked so much like puppets. So much. I've been asked by Fran to make a correction to my blog, specifically to the post a few days ago where I wrote that she stood me up. She came in to the cafe this morning and one of the first things she said was "I can't believe you told the whole internet that I stood you up! I didn't stand you up, I rescheduled." I hope that you're satisfied now young lady, I have acknowledged my mistake *contrite face*. I should learn from the mistakes of those who go before me and not blog about work... but... my boss started psychoanalysing me today, and I have to remark on how IRRITATING it is. We were having an otherwise lighthearted conversation (well, I was bitching about a regular customer that is incredibly rude), when she started asking me why I wasn't prepared to let go of my negative feelings (because I like to be nasty, ok?). I felt more negative after this particular conversation than I did after the incident with the rude customer, for whom nothing is EVER good enough, and who tells me how I should be making my coffee over the counter. I could go on. The best piece of advice that was ever given to me (during one of my depressions) was that its alright to feel the way you feel about something. This seems so obvious, but at that time I felt bad about feeling bad... as though it wasn't justified that I felt the way I did about my life. I still had my health! And a job! And a great boyfriend! Why feel bad? So, in conclusion, the last thing I need for my mental health is someone constantly asking me to justify my feelings and myself. If I want to be psychoanalysed I'll pay for someone to tell me about the effects of my childhood on my attitude. I'm going to an exhibition opening tonight... the last one at Enjoy's old premises. I hope that its a ripper. One of the artists is quite hot, and thats always nice (wink wink nudge nudge).


  1. Growing up. Sigh. Disillusionment. But I still like Sesame Street. And [gasp] Clifford the big red dog. I like the dog with the vulgar laugh, Cleo.

    Yes, feeling bad, then feeling bad about feeling bad, or being angry then feeling bad about it...can really bring a body down. When I get blue, I wallow, cry etc. Then when my sinuses can't take it anymore and my eyes are puffy and my nose is red [that is...I look terrible] I stop.

    I think people have a right to their feelings. Why didn't the boss say, let's see how we can find another way to deal with jerk customer?

    I envy you Sarah. Art art and more art.

  2. Tell Fran it's too late. She's already been crossed off my list of dependable people in New Zealand, should I ever find myself there.

  3. Hear hear! Words of support in my resentment of psychoanalysis. My boss is usually fantastic though... she's a good person.

    And Omar, dude, I'm going to be in trouble now with Fran. We're actually going out this evening, so it really was a postponement, rather than a cancellation. Love you Fran!

  4. I [secretly] analyse others, Sarah. Except I keep my thoughts to myself. Not judge, just sort out my thoughts about people.

    I analyse myself a lot too. I resent anyone analysing me for me.

    Didn't Fran go with you to the play? She's a good pal after all.


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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