Thursday, May 19, 2005

Why I have a love/hate relationship with the Bucket Fountain

I like the Bucket Fountain, except when I don't like the Bucket Fountain.

Reasons to Not Like the Bucket Fountain:
~ It splashes me
~ When I am waiting for someone near the Bucket Fountain, I become obsessive about the way the water doesn't go neatly into each bucket. LIKE IT SHOULD. This usually drives me into a frenzy of anal-retentive obsessive-compulsive passive-agressive twitching. And yet, I continue to arrange to meet people by the Bucket Fountain.

Reasons to Like the Bucket Fountain:
~ It splashes tourists and small children, which is always fun to see
~ It has its own teeshirt
~ When I am in Adelaide the thought of the Bucket Fountain, Cuba Mall and the tourists and small children that are splashed by the Bucket Fountain will evoke nostalgic thoughts about the Bucket Fountain and Cuba Mall.

Eighteen (18) days to go!

Photo courtesy of


  1. Boy, that twitch sounds pretty bad!

    But from someone who doesn't like to get unnecessarily wet, I have my reservations about this Bucket Fountain.

  2. The Bucket Fountain is a disaster in terms of public sculpture and yet is beloved as a Wellington landmark - being splashed is part of its charm. So charming, so wet. Besides, in summer, it's fun to be splashed in dirty street water.

    Small children like it at any rate.

  3. I'm totally amused at the way we obsess about the teeny little things that annoy us...there is a very short story by Caribbean writer, V S Naipaul about a night watchman and his journal that makes me think of this. It's hilarious.

    Sarah, I hope we get to follow you via your blog, to Adelaide.

    Speaking of obsessing about little things...after following Schappel Corby's story I'm scaaaared to travel. eek. Sarah, be careful luv when you pack your bags, don't leave anything unzipped, unlocked, don't go with suitcases that have open side pockets.

  4. Which reminds Jamaica the locals call the fountains "Rasta Jacuzzi"...'cause the street people [whose hair has grown into the long Rasta locks] hop into the fountains to bathe. Some are buck nekkid. You see 'em as you wind your sleepy head to work.

  5. Well, if you're lucky you can see local Wellington type hippies jumping in the fountain on a hot summer's day... hennaed white-kid dreads.

    I used to live with hippies. I miss the smell... a combination of dirty dreads, sweat, patchouli and sage. And weed obviously : )

    And Guyana sweet, don't worry about the bag thing: Andy's travelled lots and he's very clever with practical things.


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