Friday, September 02, 2005

Today I posted THREE times, that must be some kind of record. Perhaps you'd like to read one every second day? Then it would look like I posted more often. ALSO: Kena and Kate I have lost BOTH of your email addresses. Can you be darlings and forward them to me again? xxS.


  1. Are you still in oz? Are you having fun yet?

    I'll save the other posts for later.

  2. I'm so glad you started blogging again - I check it with alarming regularity to relieve me from the well of loneliness that is working by myself (or with chattering inane colleague, not sure which is worse).

    Blog, my pretties, blogggggg..

  3. Thanks Renee, I will do that... Apparently Lucia's in the Markets make quite good coffee too?


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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