Sunday, January 01, 2006

The New Year

This is my first post of the New Year. And to think that in many places its still New Year's Eve! Oh the glory of time... arbitrarily imposed divisions like "Years" and "Weeks"... "Months". I've recently finished reading Umberto Eco's The Island of the Day Before and it deals with these kind of themes (amongst so many others. So many themes). Isn't the concept of the international dateline fascinating? I love the way that the dateline marking the beginning of the day curves around Tonga so as not to divide the country into two days. If you were sitting on the beach in Tonga and looking at the ocean you could blow your mind thinking about the fact the water and any sea animals are moving from one day to the next.* The whole concept is bizarre. My New Year's resolution is not to swear as much. Andy told me that I swore too much in the most inappropriate places and when I reflected on it, I can't help concluding that it is not the best to curse in front of little old ladies at Anglican Op Shops or small children in the Supermarket on Christmas Eve. Hmm. So, another Happy Arbitrarily Imposed Holiday to you all! And really, what's life but a series of arbitrarily imposed events? *What kind of animals I'm not sure. Turtles maybe? Dolphins? I'd like to go to Tonga one day. But firstly I'd like to go to Western Samoa.


  1. It blows my mind too, that you can move from one day to the next, in just one day.

    And that there are other new years to celebrate...different folks have different new year beginnings.

    Happy New Year, this one, that one, the other ones...all of them.


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