Saturday, February 18, 2006

Have I mentioned lately that I'm living in a mixed dorm?

I have fifteen minutes to blog. So, this week, Andy has got a job, I haven''t. I'm supposed to be looking for a place to live for both of us and it is hard because NOBODY wants to live with a couple. Or, if they do, they don't want to live with a couple until the 1st of March, by which time my brain will be completely cooked from living with noisy people in a dorm for so long. The times I haven't been looking for a flat, I have been ready Jilly Cooper novels or crying and wishing I was back in New Zealand. Where people like me. And I could live at my mummy's house until somebody took pity on me and told me about some kind of room coming up. Why does nobody want to live with us? WHY? *see me wallow in self-pity* I think I must be having somekind of early/mid twenties life crisis. Clearly I'm just SO white and middle class that all I can think about is the spectre of my own FAILURE (ie: lack of house in the suburbs and spectacular career) hanging over me... so caught up in my own life that I can't see the woods for the navel gazing. Andy just made me a nice cup of tea. Yesterday we went to look at flats, both of which we had been informed were "probably too small for a couple, but have a look anyway" - read: "we'd really like to waste your time and crush your soul by showing you a perfectly suitable room and then refusing to take you on". The girl I had dealt with on the second place had most recently sent me a text message that read (I quote): Hello Sarah-got a look at the house today. really dont think it's big enough for 4 people. It's 148 blahblah* st :-) if you still want2come around 7.20. Ciao, Mil* I accepted, but arrived on the doorstop and didn't even bother having a look. Instead, I told her that she didn't really want to live with a couple. She agreed. We left. But, we reflected later that we probably could have bullied her into letting us live there, since we'd got so far with bullying her already. Please email me if you're looking for a couple to live with you on the city side of the river in Melbourne... We're really nice. Really. *Names may have been changed to protect the ANNOYING.

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