Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Another night at the hostel

And I keep checking my email every two seconds to see if anybody has replied to any of the millions of emails I've sent out about jobs and flats. Need somewhere to live, some way to eat... the power of my whinging will stir someone onwards into hiring me. So, the hostel is very hostel-tastic. Feeling strangely relaxed here, despite the fact that people stare at each other a lot in hostels. Oh, and also despite the fact that I'm living in a mixed dorm. Hooray. Lots of cartoons on TV so I'm kind of just veging... can't afford to do much more really. Kind of bankrupted myself in New Zealand (go the credit card and my accumulated debt, huh). Hopefully next time I blog I'll have something exciting to report instead of filling in time... wretched waiting! A pox on you!

1 comment :

  1. hey darling

    Heard from anita yesterday - she's in the throes of moving house, so unfortunately can't put you up. I asked if her room was free for the taking (no), and if she knows of any rooms that were free for the taking (no). I'm feeling despondant that my efforts on your behalf seem to be bearing no fruit. Let me try the others..


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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