Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Josh!

It's my little brother Josh's Birthday today! At any rate, I'm hoping that I've timed it so that it's November 11 in the UK as well. Today Josh is Twenty Seven. I can hardly believe it. Happy Birthday little bro! Hope you're having fun in Edinburgh xxx

Which one is which? Fun fact: you can't see up Josh's nose in this picture
Five things I really love about my little brother:
  • He gives great hugs. It's true! I could go a Josh hug now.
  • He's super sweet and generous - a great brother and son and boyfriend (I mean, I'm not sure about the boyfriend bit. But he looks pretty good from where I'm standing).
  • He cooks an awesome steak.
  • I also like his serious voice very much. When he means something he sounds like Dad and it's lovely.
  • He's not afraid of travel and it's really inspiring. When he hurt himself badly in Thailand (falling off a scooter) he just dealt with it. He was totally alone and he just sucked it up and dealt with the situation. I think that's pretty awesome.


  1. thanks sister!
    im going to try and skype you soon. email me and tell me which evening is a good time? (i can only really call in the mornings before work, buy the time i get home its already after midday in nz)

    loves you heaps!

  2. My cousin Nan [I blog about her sometimes], was born on Nov. 11. Josh sounds a lot like her. Lovely people in the world :-)


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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