ello my darlings
My new pen does indeed have a moustache on it, and here is a ladylike face I am pulling with the aforementioned pen. Oooh la la! It's a Seven Year Pen which means that it should last seven years (amaze), and will save BILLIONS OF PENS in the process. How good am I? There is a website that sells them - Seltzer Goods - but I bought mine in spending fit at Madame Fancy Pants. Yes indeedy, Thursday was a day of fitful and impulsive spending. I also bought another Lipstick Queen lipstick and a pair of tights from Farmers which seemed like a great idea at the time but do my legs no favours at all - they make them look like strangely blotchy sausages.
I'm writing this on Day Six of my Six Items or Less Challenge, and can I quietly say that I'm actually really beginning to enjoy it? It's been making me thing a lot about how many clothes I have, what I feel comfortable wearing and how I want to dress. All excellent things to reflect on! Shannon brought back a whole heap of beautiful silk scarves from India and Nepal during his trips and I've been learning a bunch more ways to wear them, and I've found that I really love wearing scarves! Especially headscarves as turbans: turbans rock my tiny world.
I had a busy week (for me) so it was a bit of a squeeze getting all my bits sorted out in time. I went through all my fabric, got rid of some random second hand purchases and sorted out a bag that I now know just contain little scraps of awesome fabric. I cleared out my yarn and put all the yarn I was revolted by or that was acrylic (such a snob) in a separate plastic bag. I was planning to take these to the op shop but then I realised that if I was to do the task that Megan nominated (knitting a scarf for a Wellington statue) that I was best to hold on to it, no matter how uninspired it made me. Thus, it shall be relegated to the garage for the time being. A conclusion that I came to during the clear out: I have no reason to buy more fabric, and I should sew some awesome things with the awesome fabric that I have.
So! On to the next one. And I think that this week ... I'll attempt to make something delicious with liver or kidneys. Yes! Awesome! The opportunities are endless really aren't they? Pate, steak and kidney pie, liver all delicious and rocking by itself, kidneys with bacon fried up for breakfast ...
Which brings me to the end of my ideas. Do you have any? I'll keep you posted about mine.
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