Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sap is rising

On/Off switchphoto by Oliver Degabriale


It's taken me years to resign myself that much of my life is lived in cycles. I'll have weeks or months at a time when everything is ON; I'm committed to a good amount of extra-curricular activities, I answer my emails regularly, I blog, walk and go to yoga.

In between those times I'm switched OFF; I avoid checking my emails, I spend most of my time reading or watching HBO series on my computer, or at work, and because my life becomes more narrow I have sweet f'all to blog about.

The on/off thing does worry me still, a little. I'd like to be able to balance everything in my life and have super good routines that I can maintain all the time. But at the same time, I'm coming to a point where I think that I'm just best to accept it: to take advantage of the times that I'm on the Up, and to accept and allow myself to enjoy the hibernation times.

Clearly at the moment I'm on the Up. As I write I've had a super full on day where I've:

  • been to yoga down the road from my new house,
  • had breakfast with the Boy who is recovering from the man 'flu,
  • finished knitting a pair of socks,
  • done the dishes,
  • fixed the functionality on the Boy's blog (which you can visit at if you're at all interested in vintage pro audio gear),
  • fixed the formatting on this blog which became mysteriously broken yesterday,
  • baked practice scones for the the Wellington Bake Club competition (scones are my nemesis),
  • and picked out an outfit for tonight.

Who knows when the next Off will be? But the days are getting longer, and that always makes me feel more enthusiastic for everything.


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