Monday, July 23, 2012

Ugh. My scones.

Life Baking CompHello, my name is Ginger, I suck at making scones.*


I'm posting after my first Baking Club meetup. There are lovely people and tasters in my group, and we get to meet for tastings at a beer bar, so in all ways IT RULES. However, our first task was scones and scones are my Baking Nemesis. No matter how hard I try, no matter how many different ways I approach it - I end up with something mostly disgusting. Dry, or hard as a rock, or unrisen. Nobody likes flat scones.

In the weekend I had a trial run, incorporating all the tricks I'd been told by Fran and that had been mentioned in Baking Club emails. I feel my trial run, although in noway resulting in a stellar scone, wasn't incredibly  bad - room for improvement perhaps.

My actual scones - made at 6am this morning, after an extremely hungover Sunday which had finished with a visit to A&E for the Boy - were TOO FREAKING DRY. Ugh, embarrassment.

Of course, the best thing about having a hangover is, of course, the day of self-loathing that you get afterwards (squee!). So today's post-hangover day of self-loathing finished with me getting the worst score for my horrible scones and then resenting myself for being a terrible baker and embarrassing myself in front of other people who make better scones than me.**

I texted my self-loathing and disappointment to Shannon who neatly put everything into perspective: "So, you suck at scones. Meh." 

This was effective because the guess the point is that I do suck at making scones. I am resigned to it: I will shout it to the World!

My name is Ginger and I am terrible at making scones.

I have tried, but I just don't get it. To be frank, I don't even like eating scones that much unless they're super hot and fresh from the oven. From this day forth I'm going to resign myself to the fact that although I believe I am a fairly accomplished baker, I do indeed suck at making scones. And I shall make them no more.







*Young Ladies Cake Baking Contest, Francis Miller, 1953 via Google Life Photo Archives

**Also, I am really competitive which I sometimes forget - or maybe its more a case that coming off the anti-anxiety meds has allowed my competitiveness to re-emerge?

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