Thursday, August 23, 2012

Long time no see

I've read a couple of blog posts this week, from Rebecca over at the Domino Effect and Sarah at the Pink of Perfection about blogging, and the whys and wherefores and keeping the love alive. And I guess it made me think a little more about my own reasons for blogging in the first place and what I enjoyed about it. I'm still pretty regular about reading what other people are thinking and I like seeing what's happening in the wider blogging community and I like thinking things and writing them down for myself! I have something like seven years worth of my life recorded on this blog and sure part of it is bitching about the cafes I worked at after Uni and some particularly trying times in my mid-twenties. But - and here's the thing - I still like that I thought things and bothered to record them. And I like seeing where I've been and how far I've come. No matter how embarrasing the thoughts of myself age 24 I like that person.

I cannot tell a lie (and you're probably bright enough to notice) - my blogging mojo has waned significantly this year. Maybe last year as well? I'm struggling to find the time and energy to write after working long days and thinking so much (I suspect this is my first ever Thinking Job). Also, I'm feeling epic levels of boring - I can't really blog about something huge and family-based that I'm doing, and that is effecting my emotions, finances and all the time I used to dedicate to sewing and making and baking and cooking and writing too. I feel closer to seeing the end of the tunnel on that one, but I'm telling you, the thing I'm being terribly mysterious about is a MIND FUCK.

I know that I found it much easier to blog when my computer was set up in my room, when there was sunshine, when I wasn't worrying about big ticket family things. Maybe the issue is all of those things and that I'm too busy living on various levels to write everything down.

The point being - I'm not gone, and I don't have any intention to close this down at the moment. I'll put my bits up as they come to me. Watch this space xx

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