Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Today is Tuesday, Dienstag, et al, and THIS is the cutest creepy cat I've ever seen

Looking like: I’m trying desperately hard not to look so goddamn frumpy anymore. I went on this hard core op shop binge and between the random clothes I’ve been buying second hand and my growing collection of (somewhat lumpy) hand knits I look like Cat Lady Extraordinaire. I am afraid of the Cat Lady within. She’s trying so damn hard to get out, and she’s horribly allergic to cats, so she needs to get some of those creepy hairless cats. Creepy hairless Cat Lady! (Although, this picture is of a very cute hairless kitten and I wouldn’t mind one of those. Oh Hai creppeh kitteh!)

♥ Listening to: Nothing terribly exciting. A little of this a little of that. Previous flatmate Kier has left a fantastic mix CD in the kitchen, so that’s working for me at the moment. Let it be known that Kier’s friend Kathy makes awesome mix CDs. Also, I’m loving Stephen Malkmus at the moment. The Boy and I had a Malkmus dance off in the kitchen while we were making lasagna last night and it was pretty great. The dancing and the lasagna.

♥ Fad a la Mode: Dancing in the kitchen and derby girls and spinning furiously in my bedroom.

♥ Watched this Week: Apart from excerpts from The New Adventures of Black Beauty and It is I, Count Homogenized, I have been watching nothing. Must try harder.

♥ Reading: At work during lunch (ie: very slowly) I am reading The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters which I’m really enjoying and I think sits nicely against my Agatha Christie obsession (same sort of time frame, much harsher spin). Anyhow, I love Sarah Waters and could happily read her oeuvre in one sitting so she’s more likely to win than not. Also, I’m sort of still reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies but I’m afraid that I’m reading very slowly. We read it for book club, I couldn’t really get into it then and I want to finish it but I keep getting distracted by the spinning wheel.

Webreading: I’ve been very slowly getting on top of my reader. No new finds except properly exploring We Heart It which makes me the last person on this particular bandwagon.

♥ Anticipation: My knee improving so I can actually hit people at derby, crocheting a skirt while the Boy is away, lolling around at Nat’s place while Mark and her are away. Totes going to jump on their couch, use their amazing heater and watch all the Sky movie channels on Mark’s ridiculously huge TV.

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