Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve - and Fifty-Two tasks

I'm pretty sure the party I'm going to will be like this, but with more furs, gloves, and awkward looking ladies.

Hello my lovelies, I just wanted to drop in and say Happy New Year! to you all. At this particular moment in time I am in the process of pulling everything together (last minute) for the New Year's Eve party that I'm going to - at my friend Henry's parent's farm in the Wairarapa. They have a key hole-shaped pool! And (I think) a tennis court. And sheep! Also, there will be drinking and dancing and sunshine and good people. Nice one.

I Love Resolutions which I believe is quite well recorded. This year I've decided on just a few resolutions, using the one word resolution idea that is So Hot (with the Blog People) Right Now. This is like, the opposite of the Ten Things in 2010 job that I did last year (and the subsequent Ten More Things).

Thus: this year I have two one-word resolutions: Exercise and Make.

By Exercise I mean - Something. Anything. I'm aiming for everyday, but also I'm not planning to beat myself up if I don't manage to exercise everyday

By Make I mean - presents, my own clothes, my own food ... and those things that I really can't make myself, I will buy second hand. The thinking process should be: Make? Buy second hand? Do I need it?

In a similar vein, I've decided to undertake Fifty-Two Tasks in Fifty-Two Weeks. However, I have only come up with twenty-six tasks thus far. Input is strongly encouraged as for suggestions for more (keeping in mind that I am "living" off the student allowance next year).

I am starting this year with my first idea which is: Start the New Year with a clean slate. I'm not sure exactly what I meant by this, except (maybe???) that I am letting go of last years Ten Things and starting again. Thus, tomorrow morning I will wake with a wonderful new sense of lightness! And then on Sunday I will clean my room and house crazy hard core. And go for a long walk and walk out all the cobwebs of last year.

Have I mentioned how much I love Resolutions?

Have a wonderful New Year's Eve my lovelies. It's so so nice to have such fabulous readers, thanks so much for being on board with me this year! I think next year is going to be a blast!

♥ I wrote a post for Bex at Thrifty Chick about Christmas! I meant to put it up last week but got horribly caught up with last minute Christmas things and then the wind caused the internet in our house to go bung (I wish I was joking).

1 comment :

  1. Happy New Years Ginger!!

    I want to make a lot more things too, now I am home in sunny Wellington. Let me know if you ever want to meet up and make stuff.

    Have a super time at the party tonight:)


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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